European Parliament votes for legislation on the ‘Human right to Water’

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EU Member States have a duty to ensure free access to water is guaranteed for all. All suppliers should provide safe drinking water and improve sanitation. The European Parliament voted on the 8th of September on a report of Member of Parliament Lynn Boylan. The report was adopted with 363 votes in favour, 96 against and 261 abstentions.

The European Parliament demands the European Commission to come with concrete legislative proposals to recognise human right to water & sanitation as defined by the United Nations. It also means avoiding the privatisation of water services and make sure that water services are excluded from the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) negotiations.

New legislation
The recognition of the Right to Water is the result of a public campaign of Right2Water. After gaining 1.9 million signatures the topic was placed on the political agenda. Cutting off citizens of drinking water will in the future belong to the past in European Countries. It still remains unclear what the consequences will be for Ireland and Greece.

Take action together

Aquafed, the International Federation of Private Water Operators, stated in a press release that the need for investment in water infrastructure is huge and all actors must be involved at the best of their capacities to provide everyone with water services.

Last updated: 28 June 2023

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