Apply for Water Reuse Europe Innovation Prize

Editorial Team
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Applications are open for the Water Reuse Europe Innovation Prize. This prize is a reward to professionals who are breaking new ground in the design and delivery of water reuse projects and showcase projects and initiatives which are at the forefront of reuse practice in Europe. The award will be given to the Most Innovative Water Reuse Scheme in Europe.
The deadline for applications is November 15th. Three finalists will be invited to the Water Reuse Europe Webinar on December 3, where their scheme will be showcased before the winner is officially announced. More information on how to submit an application to the Water Reuse Europe Award can be found at the website of Water Reuse Europe.
Swedish winner in 2019
In 2019 the award was won by the Mörbylånga Municipality in Sweden. To prevent drought they commissioned a new drinking water treatment plant, independent from rainfall and groundwater recharge. The plant uses a combination of brackish water from wells close to the Baltic Sea and process water from a local food company to produce drinking water.
Drought resistant
This new European indirect potable reuse scheme can produce up to 4000m3 of drinking water per day covering up to 75% of the municipality daily freshwater needs and therefore offering a water supply that is resistant to prolonged drought events.