Irish protests against water charges remain strong

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In Ireland protests against water charges are still massive. During the last weeks thousands of Irish citizens went again onto the streets to demonstrate. Tomorrow the first water bills will be sent by Irish Water, while protesters keep stating they won’t pay. The next national demonstration is planned on the 18th of April.

Irish Water says customers will receive this week a bill for water services – bills will be metered or unmetered, depending on whether or not a customer has a meter. Charges will be 40 euros (or less) for a single adult household and 65 euros (or less) for a two adult household. Irish Water expects to raise 70 million euro from the first billing quarter.

Customers with no meters will receive bills based on a fixed charge rate. The first batch of quarterly bills will be issued to 1.5 million customers. The protesters are asking customers to bin or burn the bills. Last week rumours were spread that the Government is considering taking unpaid water charges from peoples’ wages or social welfare payments. Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly refused to confirm or rule out these reports to television reporter Claire Byrne.

On Facebook citizens are being called to burn or bin their bills.

Last updated: 10 April 2024

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